The End of Plastic-Free July

Week 2 rubbish

KimmieAB’s Waste from the 2nd Week of July

I did not do as well as I could have with plastic in July… but just because July is over, doesn’t mean I have to use plastic in excess and stop thinking about the environment.

Week 3 July

KimmieAB’s Waste from the 3rd Week of July

I will continue to do my part, and one day, hopefully soon, I will have a plastic free month, and then another and then another … That is the short term goal.

I feel the long term goal is to impact the world, not over-night and perhaps not even so that anyone outside my household even knows I have made a difference, but impact the world I will. I feel that even in three short years the world and South Africa have seen a change in people’s attitude toward plastic. There are 100s more people attempting to live a zero-waste life style now than three years ago. People are starting to act more and more.

However, my month was not a waste, because I have been collecting (hording) my waste, I have become increasingly aware how many till slips I have received. To be honest I don’t know if this is something that we will be able to completely avoid, but I would love to see stores print till slips on slightly smaller pieces of paper. More importantly I would like to see stores going back to paper rather than smooth plastic coated paper.

I am also aware of how much ‘shopping’ I do. For me, I feel that being a conscious consumer and a wanna-be-minimalist, I should be shopping less, finishing up what I have already got.

I don’t do that much shopping, my slips are mostly from food purchases, but I feel that if I planned better and I finished what I already owned before going and buying more ingredients or meals I would not only be saving money, but I would be saving time and resources. So perhaps this should be my challenge for August, less purchases, an emptier pantry and fridge, less slips, less plastic.


Amazing Homemade Yoghurt

One way I did limit my purchases and use up what I had was by making homemade yoghurt. My first attempt at making yoghurt wasn’t an absolute flop, but it wasn’t perfect. It was basically drinking yoghurt. After a bit of research, I think it might be that my temperatures weren’t correct or I didn’t let it sit long enough. My second attempt was fantastic! I tried to correct my temperature problems and I left it to sit for about 12 hours. I was incredibly impressed with myself. Homemade yoghurt is defiantly something I will be making again in the future.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

I also started my first batch of apple cider vinegar. It will take another 6 weeks to see if it is a success or not, I will keep you posted.

How did your plastic-free July go? Were you able to make any changes that you are wanting to keep up in the future?

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